Our Story
Our Story
We've loved every minute of our journey
Why Us?
Why Us?
Yaraslav's Workshop offers qualitylots of different ways of achieving your needs and want's in life by adjusting your premises in a way to attract good energy from any side of the world. We have studied many methods of achieving these needs through carpentry. There are old and traditional methods of changing your Home to bring good will into your life. We can offer the assessment of your home and guide you in the right direction with functional design, materials and colors. A beautiful house and land around - a beautiful life indeed.
Maksim Hardanau
Maksim Hardanau
Greetings to all of you. Studying Carpentry I found that handy and extremely useful methods of previous traditions have been forgotten but lost.
Deep scientific research of Domostroy (Old Slavic Building Tradition), Vastu-Shastra (Vastu - House and Shastra - Science, Science of the dwelling) and Feng Shui (Wind and Water) reveals those secretes back to us.
Every structure has to be adjusted to new owners. Otherwise new owners will not enjoy themselves in full in such a house. It will remain the house but never become a Home.
I believe that having that king of knowledge it should be shared with you as the main idea that drives us is to be able to see more healthy and smiley people around. If premises we renovate or construct will help us to reach that goal - Let it be! Modern construction lost it so we are bringing it back.

Our Concept
Our Concept
The main concept of Yaraslav's Workshop is to help people to enjoy themselves by spending a big part of their life at Home which is renovated or built in a way to reveal all the potentials. Surrounding around the house plays big role too as it first that you will see when driving in. Fully set up as you wished with all the features you want :)

Simon Rokos
Simon Rokos
Hello there people. I had many years of experience in many different trades to appreciate what i do now.
My love to create something that people talk about for years to come. When I've moved onto new adventures but never forget those in the past.
My love for Carpentry grows every day. I'm proud and passionate about every job, no matter big or small. Bringing the love back to carpentry is where I like to be.